Daily Activity Schedule of a Manresa Retreat
First Evening
- Dinner
- Silence Begins at Start of Instruction
- Instruction in Loyola Hall
Each of the Full Days
- Rise
- Morning Prayers & Angelus in Sacred Heart Chapel / Breakfast in Xavier Hall
- Instruction in Loyola Hall
- Instruction in Loyola Hall
- Mass & Angelus in Chapel / Lunch in Xavier Hall
- Rest Period
- Rosary (Friday) or Way of the Cross (Saturday)
- Instruction in Loyola Hall
- Benediction & Angelus in Chapel / Dinner in Xavier Hall
- Instruction in Loyola Hall / Night Prayers
Last Morning
- Rise
- Morning Prayers & Angelus in Sacred Heart Chapel / Breakfast in Xavier Hall
- Instruction in Loyola Hall
- Instruction in Loyola Hall & Papal Blessing
- Mass & Angelus in Chapel / Lunch in Xavier Hall
- Silence Ends After Grace Before Meals

These exercises invite the "retreatant" or "exercitant" to meditate on central aspects of Christian faith, such as creation, sin and forgiveness, calling, and