Insurance Fund Donations
The current wind and hail insurance crisis facing the Gulf South has impacted Manresa.
After much research, the Manresa Board of Directors has come to the conclusion that the most cost-effective way for Manresa to face this insurance crisis is to establish its own “self-insurance” fund.
Please click on the following link to make a donation to Manresa’s Insurance Fund.
Covering the cost of a Retreat
The goal of the Jesuit staff, the Manresa Administration, and the Manresa Board of Directors has always been to provide an outstanding retreat experience at Manresa on the Mississippi.
It is their considered opinion that financial concerns should not keep a man from attending his retreat at Manresa. With that thought in mind, there is no set donation for your retreat at Manresa.
Over the years, the men of Manresa have asked for a guideline of the actual cost for providing this experience. The Manresa Board of Directors has determined the bare bones cost of this retreat experience to be $415. This amount does not consider any costs associated with the maintenance of the buildings and grounds or any capital improvements.
Many men find that the value they receive from their treat at Manresa far exceeds the $415 amount. It is their consistent donated amounts in excess of $415 that allows for all men to afford this retreat experience.
Planned / Memorial Giving
In the spirit of helping Manresa to stay on this same sound footing in the future, you can also provide Planned Giving, which is a charitable gift that you plan now to give in the future. Examples of Planned Gifts are:
Bequests - you can designate Manresa in your will for a specific amount, a percentage, or as a residual beneficiary. You have to plan this with your attorney.
In Memory Of - you can submit these online or mail to the address below.
Submit memorial Donations online here *NEW*
OR mail to: Manresa Retreat House, Attn: Shellie Hayes, P.O. Box 89, Convent, LA 70723
Please include:
- The name of the deceased person
- The name and address of the family member to receive acknowledgement. A card will be mailed to the family member and donor.
Charitable Gift Annuity - you can transfer to Manresa cash or appreciated property; in exchange we pay you a fixed income for the rest of your life. At your death, Manresa gets what's left.
Charitable Remainder Trust - Similar to the Charitable GIft Annuity; for larger gifts, you can control the investment of the trust assets for the rest of your life. At your death, Manresa gets what's left in the trust
Life Insurance - if you have life insurance that you no longer need, you can name Manresa as the beneficiary (in whole or part) of your policy. If you donate the ownership of your policy to Manresa you could get a current income tax deduction.
IRA and 401k Beneficiary Designations - you could name Manresa as beneficiary of your IRA or 401k plan (in whole or part). Since Manresa is a tax exempt organization, it would not have to pay the income tax that your heirs would have to pay on IRA and 401k payouts.
There are other, more complex Planned Gifts; but these are the basics. Please contact us for more information.
These exercises invite the "retreatant" or "exercitant" to meditate on central aspects of Christian faith, such as creation, sin and forgiveness, calling, and